Sunday, 23 March 2025

Marching in to 2025.

 Hello and welcome to Inso's World again.

It's been a couple of months but during that time, a lot has happened so I'll get straight to it.

Life-wise, I'm still volunteering with the Air Ambulance shop occasionally and I'm still working at the care-centre but in addition to caring for the clients, I have also been given the task of cooking their dinners and a bit of cleaning so things have ramped up, somewhat.

After nearly 2 years, I have made the decision to stop creating/delivering the bi-weekly quiz at my local pub. I've just run out of ideas and enthusiasm so I'm stepping aside for someone else to give it a go. This will have the effects of reducing my stress levels and giving me more time to do some stuff for me... which will be nice. You never know, I may even get some sleep occasionally!

Our goldfish passed away after 10 years of happy swimming... 

... and that's about it for normal stuff so it's on to hobby related things now.

So far this year, I have finished the Jungle Fighter project and have sent the sculpts off to Chris at Macrocosm Miniatures:

Click the Pic!

That's seven Jungle Fighters and one Alien predator. I expect these will be a Kickstarter at some point fairly soon.

While I was working on the Jungle Fighter project, I was also sculpting a couple of miniatures for the Bunny Badger / Frothers games at Salute this year. I was asked to sculpt a "fat Elon Musk in Homelander cosplay and Marvin the Martian" so I sculpted these:

Click the Pix!

They have since been sent off, painted and will appear on the gaming table at Salute 52, this year (12 Apr 2025).  

As well as these sculpts, I attempted to sculpt some Servitor robots for my Squat army but failed. I was hoping to add the Servitors to my other finished sculpts and send them off for casting but I decided to give up and send off what I had... so the two Astropaths, the Adventurer and the Mourning Diorama have all been sent off to Macrocosm Miniatures for casting. Hopefully, I'll get some casts soon.

Click the Pix!

Seeing as my sculpting muse has done a runner, I have been painting units for my Squat army for a change. So far, I have painted the second infantry squad for the third platoon and the heavy weapon squad for the same platoon. I am currently painting the command squad that will complete the platoon (one infantry squad was painted a while ago):

Click the Pix!

Once the command squad is painted, I only need to add two Astropaths and four Servitors to the army and it will be complete. Obviously, I need to get them delivered first so in the meantime, I will be painting up a few already started, spare miniatures to trial some stick-on, grass tufts, that I plan to use for the army... which is one of the reasons that I am going to Salute this year... so I can have a look at what's available and see what will be a nice colour to add to my army bases. I have a few other things to see while I'm there but that will be for my "post Salute" blog post.

That's about it for now.

See you from the hangar!

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