Sunday, 18 September 2011

The first post for Sunday.

I have a lot of stuff to say today so I thought I'd split today's post into two parts...this being the first post.

I'd first like to welcome a plethora of new followers this week! Welcome Diakon, Blitzspear, Ironmammoth, Warped and Lorenzo Calvi. I hope that you all enjoy your stay here and I also hope that you take away some inspiration for a future project of your own.

I think five new followers in one week is a bit of a record...I must be doing something right ;).

In case you haven't noticed, I have added another link on the blog list...Role 'n' Roll! It looks an interesting site so pop over and browse (especially if you like superhero fun).

On a completely separate note...I have got a new job :). I have been chosen to work in a design integration team and will be leaving my current post in December. I am still on the same unit but moving to a different building and will be going on to a permanent day shift. It will be a new challenge and is a job that I have wanted for a very long time so I am over the moon! My new job means that I have a bit more of a standard routine which should enable me to get a sleep pattern going...that will mean that I have more energy for everything; including my hobby.

It is about time that I got some decent luck ;).

Later on today, I'll be posting proper hobby news so watch this space.

See you from behind the sofa!

1 comment:

Vampifan said...

Many congratulations on the new job, Inso!