I thought I'd finish assembling a part assembled mech today. This one is more or less finished apart from a pilot and the shoulder-guards...see? I haven't forgotten about the Tunnel Fighter army:

Once I had got so far with the pink mech, I decided I'd start my Neo-Soviet conversion...so I began chopping and adding a few bits of plastic and this is where I am at with this one:

I view this one as an itch I had to scratch...I saw the new Blood Angels dreadnought and thought that the gun arm would make a good turret...so I had to give it a go. Please remember that this is really WIP at the moment so the general shape of the thing may change...but there you have it...it is indeed, a start :).
The Beetle-Bot death-scooters have progressed a bit further. Gaps have been filled, a pilot has been partially built and the fairings are nearly finished...but I thought I'd break up the monotony with something different tonight so no pix just yet.
Here's a couple of questions for you...
If you were buying a bunch of resin vehicles that had been produced by 3d printing, would you expect the 'stripy effect' to be removed prior to it being cast or would you be prepared to remove all of the lines yourself?
If you were a miniatures company and were selling 3d printed models, would you remove the 'stripy effect' prior to casting or would you just cast it and let the punters remove the lines?
I think that 3d printing has a huge part to play in the future of war-gaming and model-making products but at this early stage in the game, would having to clean off all those lines, or even seeing miniatures on a website that had those lines present, put you off buying them?
Do the pictures generally 'exaggerate' the 3d printing lines to an extent where you would be uncertain of what quality you would get?
Feel free to comment on this...and anything else that you see on here for that matter!!!
Yesterday, I took my first anti-malaria tablet prior to going to Kenya. That meant no sleep...so I am feeling a bit fragile today. Roll on next Tuesday when I have to take another one...
See you through the arched window!
The Beetle-Bot death-scooters have progressed a bit further. Gaps have been filled, a pilot has been partially built and the fairings are nearly finished...but I thought I'd break up the monotony with something different tonight so no pix just yet.
Here's a couple of questions for you...
If you were buying a bunch of resin vehicles that had been produced by 3d printing, would you expect the 'stripy effect' to be removed prior to it being cast or would you be prepared to remove all of the lines yourself?
If you were a miniatures company and were selling 3d printed models, would you remove the 'stripy effect' prior to casting or would you just cast it and let the punters remove the lines?
I think that 3d printing has a huge part to play in the future of war-gaming and model-making products but at this early stage in the game, would having to clean off all those lines, or even seeing miniatures on a website that had those lines present, put you off buying them?
Do the pictures generally 'exaggerate' the 3d printing lines to an extent where you would be uncertain of what quality you would get?
Feel free to comment on this...and anything else that you see on here for that matter!!!
Yesterday, I took my first anti-malaria tablet prior to going to Kenya. That meant no sleep...so I am feeling a bit fragile today. Roll on next Tuesday when I have to take another one...
See you through the arched window!
I've bought a fair number of computer designed miniatures and some companies are better than other about removing the layering artifacts than others before molding. Most of the time it's not that bad and after you get primer and a couple coats of paint on you don't really notice it. Other have required a moderate amount of prep before priming. Unfortunately this was learned through trial and error.
Generally cleaning the layers isn't too bad except in recesses or if you're trying to get a big army together before a con and have 50 models to prep (been there).
Who are you contemplating buying from, I may have some experience with their product?
I am not necessarily looking to buy any 3d printed minis (although I am quite taken with Rebel's HAMR suits...)...
...It was more a case of getting a few opinions.
From what I have seen there are a few companies that use the 3d prints but, as you say, there are varying qualities out there...
If I do decide to buy some though, I'll be in touch!
1st of all, nice Vottoms mech.
My thoughs on 3D printing are that while I enjoy really old kits with all those sanding and filing etc. I do hate 3D printing by many reasons:
1.-It takes away what I think is the soul of that hobby: A guy under a lamp modelling so few oders will later do the same using paint instead of putty.
2.-Annoying grainy texture (had to buy vallejo plastic putty (liquid) to smoothen the surface so it can take washes and glazes but again 3D printing doesn't allow deep detail (AFAIK) so I might be killing the fig.
Well, that could just be my case.
Bottom line is nowadays hobbyists are way lazyer than a couple of decades ago so the the easyer for them, the better sales. Plus 3D printing issues are just annoying.
On the other hand I see 3D printing as an useful tool for creating (ONLY!) vehicles and mechs, but again I'm the one who still likes better the mech-fish-on-foot that citadel's rogue trader era dreadnough was instead of the later hummer-like design.
Cheers and happy printing.
You can get deep detail with 3D computer design. Look at Reaper's CAV line, especially the later releases in that line (my favorite being the Emperor). Another good example of CAD designed miniatures is the Cold Navy line, now produced by Ravenstar Studios. You can find painted examples of their ships on Starship Combat News. I also recommend looking at John Bear Ross or Mark Mondragon's blogs as they both do outstanding work creating models.
Now, if you're talking about Shapeways, depending on which material you order there may be no amount of work that can help. But also keep in mind that you're getting the figure direct from the 3D printer, not recast in metal or resin. I've not ordered anything from there so do not have any anecdotal evidence to present on their case.
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