Wednesday 28 April 2010


Time flies when you are working strange I haven't really managed to get much done except for to tidy these up:

Click the Pic!

For those of you who may have noticed the odd one out, he is a robot from Black Cat Bases and may be a little familiar to those who like classic sci-fi...obviously the Black Hole wasn't a one way trip after all.

Now that the robots are all finished I am ticking away with the latest army addition; dog handlers. Of course, they aren't dogs but something different (you'll see when I have the conversions finished) and they are taking a small amount of time to get based as I have to fit three miniatures on each one...

On top of that, I have some rather nice little 'Gator' type, all terrain vehicles that have found their way to the table. There are four of them and each one has a trailer. They will need to have riders converting for them but I reckon I've got the donor bodies in my bits boxes so I think it should be fairly straight forward.

Right...I'm off to work so...

See you through the looking glass!


botwt said...

The little Black Hole Robot...I didn't see it on their website, do you know what it is called?

Inso said...

I'm sorry but I have thrown away the packaging...and it doesn't appear to be on their website (I remember it being part of the 'Whiskers and Tentacles' section).

It could possibly be a 'show only' miniature due to its nature.

David said...

Ahhh, thanks much Inso!