Sunday, 16 September 2018

Hurry up and wait.

Hello and welcome to Inso's World again.

It has been a varied week and as a result, hobby time has stalled somewhat. In fact, all I have achieved is to assemble a few more Aerial Drones for my Demiurg Air Guild, prime them and slap a very rough base-coat on them.

In other hobby news, I decided to see if I could sculpt something... and haven't got anywhere.

It doesn't help when you come up with a good back story and are enthusiastic about something... and then a few people get all 'button counter' on you and discourage the idea. Bearing in mind that I sculpt stuff for science-FICTION, it beggars belief.

To say that it has had a negative impact on something which I am really struggling to get back into, would be an understatement. As a result... I started sculpting, got completely discouraged, questioned why I bothered and stopped completely. My view is that people are always so keen to rip things apart but rarely put the same effort into encouragement and finding reasons why things should be done.

Anyway... moaning aside... Shoulder pain has been a bit of a thing this week and I needed to take some medication for it. That wiped out Tuesday. Also a bit of Thursday... but not too much.

Sleep has been a treasured commodity and I have struggled to get any motivation this week as a result. That said, on Monday, I popped into my new work-place to hand in documentations and the process for my DBS clearance started. Since then, I have had an email (yesterday) saying that the checks were complete and the certificate is on the way... so I should have the certificate very soon. Once I take it in to the Care Home, they will be looking to get me working; shadowing staff until I can get my courses done and then properly working from then on. As I have mentioned to my friends, it seems that fate is really keen to get me working.

On Monday, I also got some Marie Curie work done. I did some money counting and banking and had a nice chat with the committee chairwoman. There was also a meeting on Thursday so I got to meet a few more of the committee members... and they were all decent people so that was nice. I have a few extra chores to sort out now but I am getting there with the admin side of things now and am properly taking an active role in the charity.

Wednesday was a day with my missus and we pottered about and sorted a few things (as usual).

Then... along came Friday and I decided to go for a nice ride on my motorbike, over to Marazion and seeing as I haven't shown any decent pix of my bike since the screen was fitted, here's some now:

Click the Pix!

That's about it for this week. I know it's been a bit of a moan but lack of sleep, chronic pain and the 'negative waves' from strangers can do that sometimes.

See you from the grindstone!


mattblackgod said...

Keep going mate.

Great looking bike.

tim said...

Oh, please ignore the Button Counters - what you do is BRILLIANT! Your blog and posts on the Lead Adventure Forum are a breath of fresh air in a hobby that's become a bit stagnant (thanks, in part, to said Button Counters!)