Saturday, 19 September 2009

A nice, quiet Saturday.

A short trip and a diverted road led to a long trip to Reading today. A nice lunch in a Spud-U-Like (not a usual occurrence...but a change, nonetheless) and a stroll around Toys R Us with the children led to a few hours just plodding around, taking in the town. I diligently strolled past the Games Workshop (I have far too many distractions at the moment, without buying more stuff) and avoided the more model shoppy places and managed to eventually find my way home.

So...what have I done today? Only a small amount because I needed a bit of a rest so I did a small amount of sculpting on the diver:

Click the Pic!

He still has a need for hands, a hammer and a few other details but he is ticking along nicely.

I have also bulked up all of the 15mm Dwarfs and decided on which one was going to be the leader...can you guess which one?:

Click the Pic!

Apart from that, I have cleaned up a Grymn pilot with his pet dog and have glued them to a base ready for painting...if I get the urge.

So last night, I'm lying in my bed asleep when I awake suddenly. Down stairs there is the noise of my phone going off. Now you could say that it would be a fairly normal event to wake up when the phone rings...but when it is on silent/vibrate...not so usual; sometimes I rue my excellent hearing. It was 01.15am and I had to go and see who had phoned (due to my 24hr a day, 366 days a year job) but the caller left no number. That was the end of my sleep for the night.

Hence; not a lot of progress today.

I hope that tomorrow brings a bit more energy with it.

See you on the other side!


Carl Brown said...

They're coming along very nicely indeed Inso.

How tall 'to the eye' is a 15mm dwarf?

They must be really diddy!

(And good to see you're gaining interest for your sculpting skills from companies in the biz - richly deserved mate - I'm really pleased for you).


Inso said...

Cheers :).

The 15mm Dwarfs are 12 - 13mm to the tops of their heads...whether that is the right size or not, I haven't a clue (I don't own any 15mm miniatures, you see?).