Monday 30 June 2008

The 'Tired One' Returns.

It has been two months of very little news but today I actually have some. Inso has returned from his little sojourn in Iraq/Kuwait.

He has apologised for being so quiet but he had problems accessing his blog out there, for some reason.

Now that he is back he has mentioned that he has written some more short stories and has plans for a few miniatures...but only after he has re-acquainted himself with his family.

As it stands, his bags have been dumped in the hall and he is currently enjoying his second cup of tea with 'real milk' so there will not be much happening just yet.

Stay tuned for more news over the next few days!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're home.

Inso said...

Thanks :).

I'm glad to be home. It is so nice to see a bit of colour again...the green grass is a pleasure to behold when you have been used to sand, dust and sand...did I mention dust?