Sunday 1 July 2012

I nearly forgot...

I've just got back from doing family stuff (more computer maintenance and shopping) and I suddenly remembered that I hadn't shown off a parcel I had from Old Crow. Well... here's something:

Click the Pic!

I reckon that an eight wheeled command vehicle for my Tunnel Fighters and a six wheeled command vehicle for my Urban Army can be made from this little lot. The vehicles aren't on the Old Crow site... so you have to contact Jez directly to get them.

More soon.

See you from the chair!


Lasgunpacker said...

If one were to want to order these, what would you call them so that Jez knows what you are on about?

Looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

Inso said...

They are his modular vehicles that were used for the Hammer's Slammers rulebook. Brandlin and I threw a chunk of money Jez's way and he sorted us out with a big box of components to mess about with (rather than us picking specific items).

You'll need to talk to Jez about what is available but be warned, he may be difficult to contact at the moment due to working commitments.

RVA said...

HI i forgot his email, can some body help me?