Sunday, 17 February 2008

Sunday; busy Sunday...

Today, Inso has been painting his Grymn squad! He has base coated and highlighted the first layer of cloth and has finished the first layer of 'blobs'. From what he says, the hardest thing about painting these particular Grymn is the green part of the fatigues. Now that has been done, it should be down hill all the way from now there should be plenty of progress in a short space of time. Inso hasn't taken any pix but assures me that he is on the right track.

Sunday night is Pantomime night and Inso, his wife and two children were off walking the boards this evening. There was a full run through tonight, with singing, dancing and plenty of lines being read. The whole family are doing pretty well with the learning of lines but still need a few cues during the second act. Next week (or this coming week), there are a lot of evening rehearsals so there won't be too much painting going on...fortunately Inso is on Leave so he'll have time during the day to get the painting done.

Inso has a parcel waiting for him at the Post Office and can't wait to find out what it is...with so much E-bay action lately, it could be anything. He seems to be a bit like a cat on a hot tin roof...he's a bit excited.

Well, seeing as there are no current pix, I thought I'd dig out his other project, a Neu Swabian League platoon (for Stargrunt II from GZG). The following picture shows the command squad:

Inso has another painted squad and two more on the go. These are on his 'finish before I go to Iraq' list but after all the cavalry malarky I would be surprised if he manages it. We'll just have to see.

Catch you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing the Lt with her helmet off and no one else made me laugh. I have military experience and I have seen some Lt.s do some not so smart stuff (usually the whole while thinking that they are right). So I could see some Lt off ion some Sci-fi battle field taking off the protective helmet to try to get a better look at something in the distance.